

At 7:10 PM this evening Terry lost her battle against multiple myeloma.  She died in the company of our small family.  Our hearts are broken but we know she is with God.  She is safe and sound and cancer free.
Although I am grieving now, I am thankful for the 47 years of life I shared with my bride.  She was one of the kindest, gentlest most wonderful people ever and the world is a better place for her being here.
Thank you all for your many, many prayers and acts of kindness.
God bless you all



It hasn't been a full week yet, but we have come to love the people in Angela hospice.  They are there whenever we need them and what a loving, caring group.  Just outstanding!!!!
Terry's week has been a series of mini-roller coasters.  Sometimes she is incoherent, an hour later she is cracking a joke or correcting the words in a song I might be trying to sing to her.  She will be despondent and then smiling.  She loves to have visitors but then she has to sleep-and sleep she does for hours and hours.  She loves massages, kisses and hugs.  We have an abundance of all of the above and give them to her liberally.  We have sent e-mail blasts to everyone on our computer address books asking for cards and well wishes.  In 4 days she received 178 cards, including 27 from her fellow high school class of '59.  Others have also forwarded my request to people in their address books.  Monika Gough sent my request to the Dream Foundation and it has been approved to set things in motion to have that group request and generate cards for Terry.  We are overwhelmed by the love in the world.  Each card Terry has received brought a smile, a laugh and some memories.  PRICELESS!
God bless you al.


Grieving can wait

Yesterday one of Terry's followers, a person named Snip, gave us some wonderful words of wisdom, "Enjoy the time you have left together... the grieving can come later."  We will cherish every moment we have left with Terry, we will make her remaining life as comfortable and meaningful as possible.  
Karen came home and is taking a leave of absence from her work.  Karen is a constant source of joy for all of us.  Karen is her mother's daughter.  She looks like Terry, has an eternal optimistic attitude, she is caring and loving-just like her Mom.
I hope that you enjoy the above picture.  Our theme throughout this 3 year ordeal has been Hope.  Mike Toscano sent Terry the hat and the pillow case behind Terry's head has a message to all.
God bless you all.



I don't know how to title this blog today as it isn't an easy one to write.  This weekend was extremely difficult for our family, everyone that is-except Terry.  We have been informed that this damnable disease is coursing throughout Terry's body and for her to go onto the next phase of treatment would be difficult and bring very little chance of stopping or even slowing down her disease.  So-Terry will be going into a home hospice program as soon as it can be scheduled.  After discussions/consultations with physicians and friends Terry has elected this course.  Jim, Karen and I all support her wishes as we just want her comfortable and to have a quality of life for her remaining time on earth.
Saturday evening, when the family discussion took place-Terry was the only one not bawling.  She has been a rock in the entire course of her myeloma.  She has never complained, gone into denial or questioned her faith.  She was consoling the rest of us and telling us how lucky she was to have our family, lots of wonderful experiences and memories. We are the lucky ones-we have her.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers as they have helped our family through this ordeal.
God bless you all.



The oncologist came by a few hours ago and said there is no sign of infection, her blood counts are all fine, except her platelets which will never really come up to any level of normalcy.
Anyway the really GOOD news is she is going home again.  Thomas Wolfe wrote, "You Can Never Go Home Again".  Well, Tom you were wrong Terry is going home to be with people who love her-with her cat Lacey-where she can sleep all night without interruption-where she belongs.
Thanks to everyone for the continued good thoughts and prayers.
God bless you all.


Dolly Parton sang, "Here you come again" and I think that is a fitting title to Terry's recurrent theme of hospitalization.  The welcome mats at the hospitals all seems to have Terry's name on them.
Well, the first full day in the hospital has come and gone.  Typical of Terry she is showing signs of rebounding---yet again.  Her chest x-ray is clear (no pneumonia), temperature is down to normal, she isn't as tired as she was the day before and she has some rejuvenated color in her cheeks.  But that might be from the two units of blood she received.
It was a typical hospital day.  Lay in bed, watch TV, listen to the beeping of the monitors and try to control the ever present traffic that is going in/out of the room.  Rest is a secondary by-product in a hospital if you are lucky.
Karen and Nissa flew in from Nashville last night so Terry was filled with anticipation for the entire day.  They didn't get there until 8 PM so could only visit for an hour-but they are good medicine even in a small dosage.
Hopefully today we'll get some news as to the anticipated length of stay, prognosis, etc., etc., etc.
God bless you all.



Terry was scheduled for 2 routine medical appointments, (if you can call her appointments routine).
She saw the radiation oncologist and he found a new soft tissue myeloma mass in her right forearm,  So he radiated this site.  This mass came up very quickly and that is not a good sign for her myeloma control.
Terry was finally ready to her a spinal tap.  This procedure was needed to start treatment with drugs directly to her brain.  Routine blood work showed that her platelets were desperately low and she needed an immediate transfusion.
She spiked a fever today and being susceptible to infection she has been admitted to the hospital once again to receive some blood and an antibiotic cocktail.  Terry may be down but she isn't out.  Terry is a fighter.  You can't keep a strong Polish girl like her down.
Just in case, your prayers will certainly help her in this fight.
God bless you all.